Anyone wanting to be a Young Leader must be registered with the Young Leader Explorer Scout Unit

Before filling in this form you will need to:

  • have agreed with a Group and Section, that you will be a Young Leader with them;
  • have a parent or guardian with you to give their consent;
  • understand that initial training called Module ‘A’ (Prepare for take-off), needs to be completed within the next 3 months; and

Young Leaders\' Registration
Permission to use photos for Scouting publicity purposes?
I agree to my son/daughter registering to join the Explorer Scout Young Leader Unit, and understand that communication about programmes and training will be announced via email, text message, and access through the Online Scout Manager platform. As a parent I will be included in these communications and will have access to the Online Scout Manager platform.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 22
Add your Shortcode here



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